The identities.conf file stores credentials used to connect to databases in the standard Splunk credential store in obfuscated hash text.
# The file contains the specification for database identities (username/password) [<name>] username = <string> # required # the username for this database connection identity password = <string> # required # The encrypted value of the password for this database connection identity. token = <string> # optional # The encrypted value of the token for this database connection identity. domain_name = <string> # optional # Specifies the windows domain name which the username belongs to use_win_auth = [true|false] # optional # Specifies whether the Windows Authentication Domain is used identity_type = [normal|cyberark|hashicorp|token] # optional # Specifies type of the identity # normal is the default type # normal - username and password provided by user # cyberark - password is fetched from CyberArk Vault # hashicorp - password is fetched from HashiCorp Vault # token - token is used for authentication protocol_type = [http|https] # optional # Specifies type of the connection to CyberArk # http is the default type # http - unsecure connection to a CyberArk # https - secure connection, certificate is required appId = <string> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark # Specifies Application ID needed to get credentials from the CyberArk safe = <string> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark # Specifies Safe in the CyberArk where the password is saved object = <string> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark # Specifies object name in the CyberArk where the password is saved url = <string> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark # Domain where CyberArk Central Credential Provider is hosted port = <integer> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark # Port where CyberArk Central Credential Provider is available certificate = <string> # optional # required when identity_type = cyberark and protocol_type = https # The encrypted value of the certificate for this CyberArk connection. hashicorp_secrets_engine = [KEY_VALUE_V1|KEY_VALUE_V2|DATABASES] # HashiCorp Secrets Engine # Required when identity_type = hashicorp hashicorp_secrets_engine_path = <string> # HashiCorp Secrets Engine Path # Required when identity_type = hashicorp hashicorp_secret_path = <string> # HashiCorp Secrets Path # Required when identity_type = hashicorp and hashicorp_secrets_engine = KEY_VALUE_V1 or KEY_VALUE_V2 hashicorp_key_name = <string> # HashiCorp Key Name # Required when identity_type = hashicorp and hashicorp_secrets_engine = KEY_VALUE_V1 or KEY_VALUE_V2 hashicorp_role_name = <string> # HashiCorp Role Name # Required when identity_type = hashicorp and hashicorp_secrets_engine = DATABASES hashicorp_auth_method_path = <string> # HashiCorp Auth Method Path # Required when identity_type = hashicorp hashicorp_role_id = <string> # HashiCorp Role Id # Required when identity_type = hashicorp hashicorp_secret_id = <string> # HashiCorp Secret Id # Required when identity_type = hashicorp sync_frequency = <integer|string> # Synchronization Frequency # Optional # How often the password is sync from HashiCorp or CyberArk
[mysql_local] username = admin password = UdxsEmbJvU/lcINqMVGAQgBKT4DLIx/2c9Ka+3oUOVy= use_win_auth = false
db_lookups.conf.spec | inputs.conf.spec |
This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.2
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